Personal details

Contact details
Emergency contact

Bank details

Primary account

Additional accounts (optional)


Tax file number declaration

Do you have your tax file number?

Have you changed your surname since you last dealt with the Australian Tax Office?

Are you an Australian resident for tax purposes or a working holiday maker?

Do you want to claim the tax-free threshold from this payer?

Do you have a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), VET Student Loan (VSL), Financial Supplement (FS), Student Start-up Loan (SSL) or Trade Support Loan (TSL) debt?

On what basis are you paid?


Super selection

My own fund
Superannuation Standard Choice Form

The superannuation standard choice form informs your employer of your choice of fund.

Your authorisation is required for signing this form. Applying your full name in the text field above is the same as applying your written signature and is legally binding.
Default fund

Almost there... all you have to do now is review the fund below, complete and sign the super choice form and submit. Your application to join the fund is subject to Trustee approval.

Default fund name

Company default fund

Superannuation Standard Choice Form

The superannuation standard choice form informs your employer of your choice of fund.

Your authorisation is required for signing this form. Applying your full name in the text field above is the same as applying your written signature and is legally binding.
Self managed fund (SMSF)
Where can I find my fund ESA?
Superannuation Standard Choice Form

The superannuation standard choice form informs your employer of your choice of fund.

Your authorisation is required for signing this form. Applying your full name in the text field above is the same as applying your written signature and is legally binding.